My first encounter with yoga was in 2017 while studying in England. I sought movement and ways to relieve the back pains caused by my job as a waitress.
Feeling overwhelmed at the gym surrounded by machines I had no clue how to use, I decided that a yoga class led by a teacher in a studio might be the best option for me. I vividly remember the fascination I felt walking around the studio barefoot, a sensation of liberation washing over me.
Since that first yoga class, I only wanted to explore more yoga styles, different courses, and studios. Before I knew it, yoga had seamlessly integrated into my daily life.
How it all started

'When we practice our mind always follows our breathing. When we inhale, the air comes into the inner world. When we exhale the air goes out to the outer world. The inner world is limitless, the outer world is also limitless. We say "inner world" and "outer world" but actually there is just one whole world.' - Shunryu Suzuki, Zen Mind, Beginner's Mind
My student-to-teacher journey
The idea of pursuing a yoga teacher training course occurred to me during the pandemic. With plenty of free time, I dedicated myself to experimenting with more advanced yoga poses and deepening my theoretical knowledge through yoga-related books.
Yoga felt harmonious with my body and mind, and I desired to integrate it more fully into my life. Finally, in 2023, my aspirations materialized as I completed a 200-hour online Yoga Teacher Training with Spanda Institute.